Tip #2: Invest In Yourself: The Billionaire Mindset

Tip #2: Invest In Yourself: The Billionaire Mindset

Tip #2: Invest In Yourself: The Billionaire Mindset

Tip #2

Invest In Yourself

Published: Aug 4, 2021

Hey, if you're new here, we release a new article as a part of this series every Wednesday.

Each blog consists of 1 rule, along with steps for implementation on how to be your own boss and improving your mindset.

These are snippets of my soon to come book, so stay tuned for the next article and the upcoming book!

If you want live updates for the next post, I'd suggest subscribing to our ever-growing newsletter (don't worry - exclusively NO sales stuff!) or following my LinkedIn / Instagram.

Anyways, let's dive into what you came for!

I love what I do. I help small business owners find their voice, and scale their businesses, which means they can finally achieve the life they always dreamed of!

Many business owners will start by looking at where they can spend money. They have a tendency to feel like they need to spend money to make money - which a lot of the time certainly has an element of truth to it, take marketing for example. However, what most new business owners seem to skip over, is the investment in oneself. The investment in the building of knowledge, because as often as it is said: knowledge is power.

Step 1: I would suggest finding free resources online, such as articles or free ebooks. Often watching YouTube videos, or - dare I say it - Tik Tok videos, can give you more educational value than most courses in their own right!

That being said, although that may be a good place to start, there are also plenty of courses available, some from as little as £10! These courses are particularly useful for personal development, and learning new skills, and you could even add it to your CV or portfolio.

I am constantly starting new courses. If you don't know where to start, I have a few good examples for you. I have recently started 6 new courses (all to be completed in 2021, not right now!). Besides my masters, I have bought the following courses:

  • Operations Management (Reed)
  • Entrepreneurship (Reed)
  • Copywriting (Reed)
  • Graphic design (One Education)
  • Cloud Computing Essentials (One Education)
  • Personal Development Course: Physical, Mental, Psychic & Spiritual (One Education)

As I said, courses may not be the answer for you, I am just a growth fanatic, but it has certainly helped to get me to where I am now in such a short space of time.

Step 2: Think of it like this. If you want to grow, to get that next promotion, to start up your own business or to grow your business, you're going to need to keep learning.

For example:

Person 1: 5 years of experience, no further personal development investment, keeps doing their job well

Person 2: 2.5 years of experience in the same job, performing well and is constantly learning new skills to help within their role/industry and has a growth mindset.

Although person 1 has double the experience, in reality, person 2 is almost just as valuable now. They have continued to grow and learn, therefore length of experience is no longer the biggest factor, it's the desire to grow and the knowledge of the individual. They will now be a more valuable asset to the team, and will most likely remain this way for the foreseeable future.

The reality is that experience is just not as valuable anymore. An ever-growing list of employers are now seeking more than just a bunch of numbers on a page. They are looking for personality, growth mindset and somebody who can make a difference. That goes for business owners too. When a client is perhaps looking for a Marketing Agency, they will partly assess the agency through that lens too.

Therefore, taking on this type of mindset or behaviour is vital, not only to your career, but to your personal life too. Take a relationship for example: you want a partner who is willing to listen to you AND change certain types of behaviour to match your needs too right? Well, most people are unfortunately small minded when it comes to relationships, they put the blame on the other person, and never take a look at themselves. Me included, I used to be the same. My relationships with everyone around me changed drastically for the better when I had a look at me. But, that's a story for another time!

Please feel free to comment some suggestions for topics you want to be covered soon!

Tip #7: The Relationship Between Mindset, Motivation and Patience: The Billionaire Mindset
Tip #6: Action VS Reaction: How To Resolve Anything: The Billionaire Mindset
Tip #5: Stop Waiting. Do That Thing You've Been Putting Off: The Billionaire Mindset
Tip #4 - Relationships & Mindset: The Billionaire Mindset
Tip #3 - Nutrition & Mindset: The Billionaire Mindset
Tip #1: Mindset Is Everything: The Billionaire Mindset

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